We Are Here To Help You

As a non-profit organization we strive to make sure that EVERY senior we connect with has their FULL benefits within their plan. Senior Care outreach (S.C.O) will go the extra mile working closely with your social workers, DSS departments and Social Security Administrators to help file, and get forms processed quickly so you can receive your benefits that you are entitled to.

Certain chronic illness will qualify you for no cost dental, vision, prescription and cash back in your social security. Our educators at S.C.O are highly trained, qualified and desire to help you.

VETERANS (New Program)

Veterans are VERY dear to us all in many ways. We recognize their commitment and service to protect the freedom that we have EVERY DAY!!

We are one nation under God
Home of the Free

In honor of our veterans S.C.O. educators are able to help veterans qualify for CASH BACK into their social security. Simply contact us and we will do all the work for you. AGAIN, we appreciate what you have done for us to do what we do!!!